Stanowisko: SharePoint Developer .Net / Amsterdam

STANOWISKO SharePoint Developer .Net / Amsterdam

We are looking for a Senior SharePoint Developer for the client. The company is a very successful enterprise with multiple offices around the globe. They have a unique proposition and position in Online Payment Solutions. They are very innovative and are investing a lot of time and money in the IT department. They are also setting up new business` which is really a `Disruptive Innovation`.

Data dodania 2015-01-05
Ważne do 2015-01-30
Lokalizacja Amsterdam
NR REF SHA/A/01/2015
  • To continue their development, they are looking for a Senior SharePoint Developer who is able to take the lead in a team. The Developer is very well skilled and like to collaborate with the different colleagues and different departments. The role also works to maintain the high standard that is necessary to keep the clients as satisfied as possible. This role is extremely well fit for someone who is looking for the next step in his career and who likes to work under a very well-oiled machine. The role does bring responsibilities, but brings complementary satisfaction as well.
  • Minimum of three years working experience with MS SharePoint 2010 and 2013
  • Experience and deep knowledge of SharePoint Developments, preferably with matching certificates
  • Would be great if you have any knowledge or working experience with MS Dynamics AX (Axapta)
  • Deep and extensive knowledge of Microsoft-technologies, like: .Net, C#, ASP.NET, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SharePoint Designer, SQL-Server
  • Very, very competitive salary and secondary benefits
  • Working in a very dynamic and challenging environment
  • Enough training possibilities
  • Fast growing company and room for growth

wyślij zwykły email z CV na CV@RECRUIT.PL

SharePoint Developer .Net / Amsterdam | SHA/A/01/2015

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