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Stanowisko: Test automation engineer / lead (Selenium)

STANOWISKO Test automation engineer / lead (Selenium)

For our client, an international company providing top level software solutions and implementing 3rd party systems as well as mobile applications, because of their constant grow and new projects, we are searching for experienced Software Testers and Test Leader with good experience in web solution testing automatisation.

Data dodania 2014-02-01
Ważne do 2014-02-28
Lokalizacja Wrocław
NR REF TES/WW/02/2014
  • Participate in interesting international projects;
  • Testing web applications
  • Responsibilities for development and improvement of testing processes.
  • Min. 3 years experience in software testing;
  • Experience with automation frameworks (Selenium, …);
  • ISTQB Fundation knowledge;
  • Experience in testing web applications;
  • Good teamwork skills but also ability to work independently;
  • Good and active communication skills;
  • Good spoken and written English.
  • Stable, permanent job;
  • Possibility to develop technical skills in interesting, international projects;
  • A competentive salary package;
  • Private medical care and life insurance;
  • Multisport card and Team events;
  • Nice and friendly atmosphere to work in an international environment.

wyślij zwykły email z CV na CV@RECRUIT.PL

Test automation engineer / lead (Selenium) | TES/WW/02/2014

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