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Stanowisko: Java Software Developer

STANOWISKO Java Software Developer

On behalf of our Client, a dynamic middle-size agile-oriented company, because of their constant grow and new projects, we are currently looking for JSE/JEE Software Developers (on all seniority levels).

Data dodania 2014-02-01
Ważne do 2014-02-28
Lokalizacja Wrocław
NR REF JAD/WW/02/2014
  • Development of the Java (SE and EE) applications;
  • Preparation and execution of unit tests;
  • Stabilization of the application code;
  • Technologies & Tools: JSE/JEE, Eclipse, Spring, JSP, XML, WS (Rest,SOAP), Ant, Maven, Tomcat, JUnit, Mockito, continuous integration, JIRA, Hibernate, JPA, Swing, AWT, Redmine and many more.
  • Good understanding of OOP concepts;
  • Java EE project experience;
  • Experience in working in Agile/Scrum;
  • Knowlege of technologies like Spring, XML, WS, EJB, SVN, Maven/ANT, JUnit, Swing, SWT. Hibernate / JPA, SQL.
  • Very good working atmosphere;
  • Possibility to further develop a technical knowledge in interesting projects;
  • Training package (technical, soft-skills and languages);
  • Flexible working time;
  • Attractive remuneration package which includes benefits and bonus that depend on reaching personal targets;
  • Private medical care;
  • Sport activities and integration events.

wyślij zwykły email z CV na CV@RECRUIT.PL

Java Software Developer | JAD/WW/02/2014

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