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Stanowisko: PHP Developers / The Netherlands

STANOWISKO PHP Developers / The Netherlands

For various clients from The Netherlands we are looking for PHP Developers.

Data dodania 2015-01-05
Ważne do 2015-01-30
Lokalizacja Netherlands
NR REF PHN/N/01/2015
  • Help to build innovative websites in PHP in terms of accessibility and usability Front-end development in collaboration with Web Design
  • Identification, testing and fixing of performance issues
  • Constantly seeking to improve yourself by learning new technologies and following industry developments
  • Technical responsibility for projects within an international environment
  • Collaborate on improving and developing the quality assurance process
  • Help your colleagues in necessary
  • At least three years of experience with application development in PHP
  • Bacheloper Degree in Computer Science or similar
  • Experience with operating and developing databases in PostgreSQL, MySQL, MS SQL Server or other databases
  • Experience with JavaScript, HTML and CSS
  • Fluent in English
  • Permanent contract with the client, or on a contracting base
  • Always working in a high end environment
  • Live and work in The Netherlands

wyślij zwykły email z CV na CV@RECRUIT.PL

PHP Developers / The Netherlands | PHN/N/01/2015

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