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Stanowisko: Plant Engineer Manager

STANOWISKO Plant Engineer Manager

Our Client, a leading international company located near Kutno, is looking for Plant Engineer Manager

Data dodania 2014-11-17
Ważne do 2014-11-29
Lokalizacja Kutno
NR REF PLM/KO/11/2014
  • The Plant Engineer Manager leads the Project Engineers and the Facilities Engineer
  • The role leverages connections between these departments and the operation to support plant`s compelling business need (CBN)
  • Member of site leadership team reporting to the Plant Director
  • Lead the department: Vision, Plan, Do, Check, Act with link to the plant CBN
  • Owns the capital master plan for the plant (short term, long term)
  • Facility management & ownership (Master plan, Improvement projects)
  • Plant standards and plant facility master plan (Master plan, Improvement projects)
  • Budget ownership (Facility, IT, Plant engineering)
  • Interface with city and legal instances
  • Engineering degree
  • Experience in the manufacturing and facility management
  • Project management skill
  • Experience in people leadership and manufacturing
  • Capital budget management
  • Communicative English skills (including technical)
  • Attractive salary (10-12k gross) and other benefits

wyślij zwykły email z CV na CV@RECRUIT.PL

Plant Engineer Manager | PLM/KO/11/2014

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