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Stanowisko: Programista .Net Developer / Holandia

STANOWISKO Programista .Net Developer / Holandia

Our Client is looking for .Net Developers for their office in The Netherlands. Our client has a real diversity on building web shops for a range of clients in The Netherlands, but also internationally. They have around fifty employees working for them, from their office in the center of The Netherlands. The projects vary from building very complex web shops, up to the way how to get them the highest position in Google.

Data dodania 2014-12-21
Ważne do 2015-01-01
Lokalizacja Utrecht
NR REF PRH/UT/12/2014
  • maintaining and developing the web shops of clients.
  • university thinking and working level;
  • 0 – 5 years of experience with the .Net Framework;
  • experience with MVC and ASP.Net is a plus;
  • SQL Server experience.
  • a market conform salary range 35.000 – 55.000 EURO gross;
  • Dutch law permananet employment
  • an informal working atmoshpere;
  • laptop; relocation package
  • experienced and great learning environment;
  • working for a diverse range of clients and projects.

wyślij zwykły email z CV na CV@RECRUIT.PL

Programista .Net Developer / Holandia | PRH/UT/12/2014

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